this blog is not realy intended as an indentant blog but to provide a site whereby any of my blogs but esp my main blogs, the "war" blog, and the hopefully more uplifting blog

Friday, December 7, 2007

my my does dloyd have a temper

for reason beyond imgaining Dloyd wants to pretend tthat ham don't have sex sadly I fear dold does not have sex at all

wel soorry I don't go awya just becuase you want me to

this a smut?

it is aacording to ole Dloyd what a kill joy I know he is anti fun and anti sex but realy

since dloyd is always seeing smut prehaps he should see REAL smut

indeed all of thought gruops are much better soruces of "smutt" than anything I write

Dloyd if you had a brain youd see you can't hem us in the necj or the crotch

you are convining me you realy need to gt laid

Sunday, December 2, 2007

come on down,,,,,,,,,,,

Dloyd has sent you a link to a blog:

How can we meet so that I can fuck Gav? Is she a screamer? I like screamers.

Blog: accounts of the Kosher Ham
Post: some foks are realy slow...

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this would be flatering if it were honest at all but but it is just example of the deep sexauly based angst "Dloyd" feel when he is confronuted

but if their is any truth to your wish you know the address show and Gav willl truly blow your mind......

......right out of the back of your skull